Jayden Ojeda as an Ambassador
When partnering with Jayden on his motorsport journey, you can be assured he will be a brilliant asset to your company’s long term marketing development. Jayden is a happy, healthy, well presented and professional young man perfectly positioned to endorse your brand.
Jayden’s skills within media relations, interviews and interactions with commercial partners are recognised as exemplary by industry experts and we see this as essential for the modern day professional racing driver to succeed on-track and to market and promote growth opportunities for your company.
Jayden’s Promise
“I will conduct myself in a professional manner with regard to all aspects of motor racing and my sponsor’s products. I will wear and use my sponsor’s products with pride and be available for promotions with integrity.
I will stay in frequent contact with sponsors and send regularly press clippings, race results and social media updates on my progress.
I will do my best to build and maintain a strong, professional mutually satisfying relationship with you, your staff and your customers..
The road to my goal is a long one and I sincerely hope that I can perform to a level that ensures our long term relationship”.